Why The First Trimester Feels Like A Marathon You Didn’t Train For!

When I found out that I was pregnant, the excitement was undeniable. The list of baby names in my notes on my phone began to give me butterflies. One of those names would soon be given to a beautiful baby. I started to envision how I would decorate the nursery. I began to think about the cute ways I would share the news with our family and friends. I immediately began to plan the gender reveal. Everything started to come to life.

I would walk around my house, holding my belly, and stand sideways in the mirror to try and envision how I would look with a bigger belly. I began adding maternity clothes to my Amazon shopping cart. I was floating on cloud nine and riding that high of being pregnant for the first time.

Then, almost as quickly as the joy set in, reality came knocking…

What I later named ‘The Ghetto Trimester’ came in full swing! I knew I signed up to be pregnant but I wasn’t prepared for the first trimester blues.


Hearing The First Heartbeat

Before I detail the woes of my first trimester, I have to mention the highlight, hearing my daughter’s heartbeat for the first time. I found out that I was pregnant very early on, probably around week 3 or 4. After calling my OB I was told that I needed to wait until I was around 9 weeks pregnant before I would have my first appointment. I understood the reasons why and around the time I called them, I hadn’t missed my first period yet (I was so anxious and excited).

The 6-week wait was awful! I wanted to know how everything was going in my belly and with my baby. Was my baby okay? Am I healthy? What is the estimated due date? I had more questions than answers. And although Google was a great source of information for all my first-time mommy questions, it couldn’t give me what I was really looking for, an ultrasound and a heartbeat.

On the day of my appointment, my husband and I were filled with so many nerves and butterflies of excitement. For the last few weeks, this appointment was all that we could think about. We would stay up late, he would talk to my belly, and we would daydream about what this tiny baby would look like.

When we arrived in the room with all of the equipment, I thought to myself, “I’m finally about to see and hear this little thing that has been growing inside of me.” Then the doctor placed the tool on my belly and in that moment, for just a quick second, it was silent. She circled the tool around and around, my eyes were darting from one corner of the screen to the next to make out something. And then this amazing sound started to feel the room '“da doom, da doom, da doom.” A heartbeat!

My husband’s eyes lit up and he said, “Oh wow!” My OB started explaining where the baby was and how the heartbeat was good.

This was the sweetest sound.

The First Hurdle: Total Exhaustion

Now, let’s get into the ghetto-ness that followed!

I have been a student-athlete. I have had some of the toughest track practices and run some of the hardest races but none of that could have prepared me for the all-consuming fatigue I felt. Have you ever woken up tired? Well, that was me for weeks in my first trimester.

I thought I would have been able to keep pace with my daily activities but this baby said, “No, mommy sit down!”

I eventually had to tell myself, ‘You’re growing a human, and your body is doing a million things at once.” The adjustment to my fatigue was long.

Mommy Tip: Embrace rest. If you’re tired, sleep! Let go of the guilt and listen to your body. It’s doing some serious work.

Morning Sickness, All Day Long

Water, crackers, plain chicken, and pretty much anything with little to no flavor was all that I could stomach. If I even tried to add a little flavor or eat some of my favorite foods, I paid the price! The toilet and I became well acquainted.

My morning sickness got so bad that I couldn’t stand the smell of my bedroom. For about a month, we slept on the couch on our second floor. It was as though my body had its agenda, and I was just along for the ride.

Mommy Tip: Keep snacks like crackers, ginger chews, or sour candies handy to help curb nausea. Also, try eating small meals throughout the day to avoid an empty stomach.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Thanks to fluctuating hormones, my emotions were completely out of control. One minute, I was crying watching Inside Out; the next, I was frustrated with my husband’s deodorant started to make me feel nauseous and it was all his fault.

Mommy Tip: Be kind to yourself. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Communicate with your loved ones about what you’re going through—just so they can brace themselves.

Physical Discomfort: My New Normal

Oh my goodness, my boobs were so sore!! I couldn’t lay right to keep them from aching. Sometimes massages helped and other times, I didn’t want to be touched.

Don’t get me started on my lower back pain. I wasn’t even developing a belly yet and my back began to act like I was carrying a 10-pound baby.

Everything was uncomfortable. From bloating to tender breasts. My clothes started to feel tighter, sleep positions less comfortable, and my energy completely drained. Discomfort was my new normal!

Mommy Tip: Invest in stretchy, comfy clothing early. Also, prioritize hydration to help manage bloating and fatigue.

Crossing the First Trimester Finish Line

I can remember the week like it was yesterday: Week 15. My life changed.

It was like day and night. A flipped light switch. I woke up one more expecting to struggle again only this time I felt something I hadn’t felt in a while: energized.

The air smelled better. My aches eased up. My stomach didn’t feel like someone donkey kicked it. AND…..I COULD ENJOY SOME SEASONED FOOD!!

Much like a marathon, the first trimester pushed me to my limits. But just like with any race, the challenges come with rewards. By the end of it, I hit a huge milestone. I entered the ‘glowing phase’ of my pregnancy: The second trimester.

Final Thoughts:
The first trimester was tough, I have no problem admitting to that. I battled morning sickness, exhaustion, and emotional swings that I knew made my husband want to hide from me.

Motherhood is full of marathons, but this one has to take the cake.

What About You?

Did you experience the ghetto first trimester?

I’d love to hear your stories:

Share your thoughts in the comments below—or share them with us in the Facebook Group! I’d love for this to be a space where we all learn from and encourage one another.

Until next time,
Dominique Johnson
Founder of Go-Get.Hers


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